Local Voices heard at Local Forum

This week Councillors from Redbridge meet with local residents at an open forum, held at Wanstead public library. Key areas of concern included housing, public spaces, road safety and traffic and local leisure and culture facilities.wpid-20150218_154755.jpg

I was interested to see how the borough was perceived of as a place. Some form of ‘borough mentality’ was most evident, perhaps unsurprisingly, when internal affairs were compared to neighbouring London Boroughs and other national local authorities. In particular, a clear distinction appeared to exist between outer London boroughs like Redbridge and inner boroughs, which was perceived as more powerful and politically influential.

More surprising to me on the day, and in hindsight I’m not sure why, was the material and emotional attachment some people demonstrated to the borough’s greenbelt land. Redbridge’s position on London’s fast growing north eastern fringes has put great pressure on local housing, schools, services and infrastructure. And yet, local residents are somewhat reluctant to sacrifice the green rurality, typical of these suburbs early years. The imagined rural idyll of suburban appears to have retained its power and potency, even as suburban residents are increasingly connected to the city and the city sprawls out toward them.

Redbridge is the 3rd fastest growing borough in the country and more than one Councillor mentioned to me that ‘changing demographics’ was an important feature and consideration for local decision-making. What ‘changing demographics’ means, who these people are, and what pressures they place on local communities was generally implied rather stated explicitly. Whether or not it is the changing numbers, or the changing characteristics of local communities was unclear.

Questions to think about: To what extent does concern over local issues have potential to bring people together? Are shared interests in schools, parks, bins and roads sufficient to build cohesive communities?

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